Emily first contacted me quite a while ago about her and her husband's upcoming trip to the Canadian Rockies. It was a trip to celebrate their first anniversary, and as an incredible photographer herself (Emily Rose Photography, so amazingly talented!) she really values beautiful photos to remember special moments by.
Travis and Emily are from Louisiana, and it was so much fun getting to show them around the mountains. I couldn't believe how much snow was still on the ground, in May! But with their enthusiasm for it, I became excited about the snowy backdrop all over again. They had first traveled to Jasper on their trip, where there was even more snow, and Emily had finally experienced it falling from the sky, something of a life-long wish fulfilled.
It was colder than expected the evening of our shoot, but thankfully we found a lake that wasn't frozen over and Emily braved her way into the gorgeous emerald green dress she had picked as her second outfit. A dress, I might add, that was one of her goals at the end of her fitness journey, and she completely rocked it! And I mean completely. Such an amazing example to me, and I was super jealous of her tan (so glad the sun is finally out and warm while I write this).
I fell in love with their accents, had such a blast hanging out with these incredibly kind people, and laughed over trying to explain to them what a snowdrift was. They had no idea what I was talking about when I used the word, and I couldn't believe not everybody grew up knowing exactly what that meant.
I hope you have as much fun looking at these photos as we did taking them.