This month of April, as spring begins, feels like a naturally perfect time to plant seeds in the faith that they will grow into something beautiful over the next few months. I’ve been inspired by Dr. Jazmine, she’s been teaching that spending 15 minutes a day with a child, one on one, can have a large positive impact on their secure connection to you, making them feel more safe and independent because of that security and safety net, and helping them to be more emotionally stable throughout their days. I’ve been feeling the pull to implement this time more intentionally with my children, so it is the seed I’m focusing on planting this month in my work of focusing more on connection in my life.

As I was putting away all of the Easter things yesterday, I thought that now would be the perfect time to kick off my intentions for this month of spending more time being fully present with my children. I tidied their room while they played outside and gathered what leftover flowers, decor, fancy dishes and food we had from Easter and set it all up in their room as a special Easter Tea Time, hiding some eggs as a game for them.

They wanted to dress up fancy and felt so special when they walked in their room and saw it all set up, and most importantly I made sure I was completely present and engaged with them the whole time. It didn’t take long, the effort was minimal by just grabbing what we had around the house, and the connections we strengthened and memories made were priceless.

The rest of this month will be much more simplified as we try to daily spend time together one on one, but I’m already excited to see what blooms from these seeds I’m planting in my relationships with my children.